[January 2025-December 2026]

Amelie Wuehrl and I have been awarded the MINT-INNOVATION 2024 grant (100 000 euros) from the Vector-Stiftung foundation to work on MULTIVIEW.

Recommendation algorithms have a profound impact on democracies: They can boost or hinder the interaction of citizens with several opinions and viewpoints. In this project we develop methods to reshape news recommendation. Using AI, we automatically identify perspectives in news articles and develop a recommender that provides a wide view of perspectives to users, so that users can broaden their understanding of current issue.

Software Campus 2023 grant

[March 2024-February 2026]

I’ve been awarded the Software Campus grant (114 000 euros) funded by BMBF to work on MULTIVIEW.

For two years, I will be leading MULTIVIEW - a research project on identifying and ranking perspectives in a set of documents. During this period, we will be expanding research related to diversity in news recommendation by modelling not only stance and polarity in texts, but also taking aspects of a news topic (e.g. historical, background) into consideration. This allows, for example, news consumers to have a broader understanding of events or current affairs in the world.

This is a collaboration with Springer Nature and Die Zeit.

MARDY: Modeling ARgumentation DYnamics in Political Discourse

I’ve worked in the MARDY project throughout my PhD. MARDY is a interdisciplinary collaboration, combining Computational Linguistics, Machine Learning, and Political Science, aims to create innovative computational models and techniques for examining argumentation in political discourse. This involves tracking the evolution of discursive exchanges on contentious topics over time. The objective is to develop tools that assist in analyzing the potential influence of arguments presented by various political actors.

Find more information about our project here.